Monday, May 31, 2010

Without using a computer, simply your own knowledge, explain what binary code is?

01000010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00100000 01100011 01101111 01100100 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110100 01100101 01111000 01110100 00100000 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01110000 01110101 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01100011 01100101 01110011 01110011 01101111 01110010 00100000 01101001 01101110 01110011 01110100 01110010 01110101 01100011 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 01110011 00100000 01100010 01111001 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00100000 01101110 01110101 01101101 01100010 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110011 01111001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01101101 00100111 01110011 00100000 01110100 01110111 01101111 00101101 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100111 01101001 01110100 01110011 00100000 00110000 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 00110001

Ask me something your iPhone won't be able to tell you about me.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010



Ask me something your iPhone won't be able to tell you about me.

Do you know that the word "Verbatim" only applies to the use of actual words and not, lets say images? Also a gameboy DS doesnt even exist. FAIL!!!

Correct, it's definition is: Using the exact same words.

Let's take the word "Verbatim" for what its summary of the definition would be: Word For Word.

Now, this implies that one thing is exactly like the other. "Exact Same"

In a conversation with a friend and co-worker at a Computer repair shop of all places. This word comes up alot, Why? Because most of the time we are copying folders saving documents, music and the such. Think of the context of the statement next time.

The Company Verbatim Makes Cds, flash media, and hard drives. Now surely with your argument, they should change their name for they are not copying ANYTHING "Word for word". You could argue that it copies the information "01110100 01110010 01101111 01101100 01101100" Word for word. But these are not words are they. No they're not. This is Binary Code.
Wait a minute.. I thought you said "the word 'Verbatim' only applies to the use of actual words and not, lets say images?"
So, what happens when Verbatim Copies images from the computer to a CD/DVD, Flash Drive, or Hard Drive? They are liars now aren't they! Such thieves of our money selling us false products. This is an OUTRAGE!!
..or they are referencing that their products supply the consumer with getting an Exact Copy of what they want.

The definition of a word can have multiple meanings and uses. Thus being used now for an Exact Copy. Which is what my simple post was about. My father and I being an exact copy.

So, please don't complain about the use of words next time. I'd rather not hear it. Even if it was a real Mistake, It's kind of an asshole move to just read over someone's work and reply with "improper use" of words/definitions of items & references. What are you, my english teacher? We're not in the classroom anymore. If you're looking for that, I'd suggest you go to school and take some classes so you can become a teacher and do all the grading, criticizing, and corrections you'd like. But here online, you're on the same level as all of us. And even then, you put yourself lower by not showing your identity when you point the finger. You are a Troll.

And as for the Gameboy DS. We ALL know what I am referring to. It's a Gameboy. That is a name that will be tagged to the product for as long as its produced. We all grew up with gameboys, so whats the next version going to be referred to as. A Gameboy, and its sub-name. It's just like Apple's product.
The iPod Touch. That is it's Official name. But at least 85% of people refer to it as the iTouch. Is it the correct term? No. Does it get the point across and do we know what the person is talking about? Yes.

So do iTouches exist? No. So where the hell is everyone getting these iTouches that look like a "Verbatim" to the iPod Touch? What the hell is everyone talking about.

Ask me something your iPhone won't be able to tell you about me.

Why don't you think she likes you back anymore?

Not a matter of her not liking me back anymore. Besides, the situation was handled and over with. It's in the past now. I think it was just a matter of not knowing her well enough. But that and any other opinion is up for debate.

Ask me something your iPhone won't be able to tell you about me.



Ask me something your iPhone won't be able to tell you about me.

If there was a giant dinosaur standing outside your door asking for cup of sugar what would you do? WHAT WOULD YOU DO???

I'd Promptly Hand him any Jar of sugar I had and have him off on his way. Then I'd call up God and tell him he missed one.

Ask me something your iPhone won't be able to tell you about me.

If there was a giant dinosaur standing outside your door asking for cup of sugar what would you do? WHAT WOULD YOU DO???

I'd Promptly Hand him any Jar of sugar I had and have him off on his way. Then I'd call up God and tell him he missed one.

Ask me something your iPhone won't be able to tell you about me.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Why don't you just ask her out on a date? Or to hang out?

Ah, I actually already asked her out on a date. I'm pretty glad I did though. It didn't end badly which is good. I was pretty nervous, but my friend really helped me and pushed me to do it. Hopefully we can just hangout sometime though. we will see what happens.

Ask me something your iPhone won't be able to tell you about me.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Can you prove to me that you are not figments of my imagination?

Mmm yes I can. Just give me the opportunity to.

I have been known to be a figment of Science Fiction.. (Robo Kyle)
But that's another Story.. and an inside joke.

Why would you think me as something from your imagination though?

Ask me something your iPhone won't be able to tell you about me.

If a turtle does not have a shell, is he homeless or naked?

It is Homeless. :/ Poor Turtle

Ask me something your iPhone won't be able to tell you about me.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

i just read your last 2 annon post how do you know its not the girl asking you? lol

Good point. Ill keep that in mind. Then again Eric, I wouldn't be surprised if it was you. ahah. I haven't heard from you in a while Eric. You gotta keep in touch more!

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Do you think that girl likes you back?

You know that feeling you get when you like someone, and you have that kinda sorta feeling that they kinda sorta like you too. And later down the road, whether it be 2 hours later or 2 months later, you find out you were right? Well, I don't have that feeling with her. I just feel this crush I have on her. (As childish as it sounds, its true.) And we all have our crushes. But to put it into simply, No. I don't think she likes me back. I've THOUGHT at times that just Maybe she does. But not anymore no.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I think you should just go for it with this girl. I mean, if you like her this much, how could she not like you back?

I really would like to. She just surprises me with new talents all the time. I'd like to learn how to do a lot of things from her with all her knowledge & talent in these things. But theres always so much to lose when you do. A loss of a good friendship is the main one that's on my mind..
It's easy for someone to not like you back. They just, Don't like you back. They don't have the same feeling there.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

would you rather be beautiful and have no one around to see you or be ugly and have the world judge you? damn i just thought of that on the spot! haha

Hmmmm, I'd have to say I'd choose the Ugly and have the world to judge you. Because the personality and feelings of the person triumph over looks any day! I used to think I was pretty darn ugly. And I don't like the feeling of being Judged at all. But it just happens. We all do it. But I will have to take that over being beautiful with no one around to see me. Because I can't stand being alone. So that lonely scenario doesn't sound too fun. And If I were beautiful, what good does that do me? Especially with nobody around to see me.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

i see that you are free....damn id at least say you were worth 5 dolla! HAHA jk jk ^_^

ahah, well thanks. I think I'll take that as a compliment. Seeing as I am at least worth something. Or maybe I read this wrong.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

What is your ideal girl?

Heh, it's funny that you ask this. I've had a similar question like this one just sitting and sizzling here on my Formspring.. and, I don't know how to answer it.

It'd be great if I could just say her name and be over with it. Because there is one I cannot get my mind off of as I have hinted at before in my tumbls and notes. But, I will feel like a jerk or a duche if I was to say anything due to the situation. So I keep quiet. I'd much rather stay within the friendliness of the relationship instead of speak up and distort anything or ruin anything. Because when she says "no", then that not only hurts, but it does kinda sorta dent the friends part of the relationship as well. I don't know how well a person can blow over something like that and forget about it. For me, It's a challenge to say something knowing that this situation could happen and even after, she will always know that I like her more than just being a friend.

Yes, I am afraid to speak up about how I feel. I would love to honestly. I am not so intent on making waves though. It's a pain. It'll be even more of a pain never saying something though, and not knowing how the outcome will be. For all I know she just may say yes.

It's funny how I am not afraid to post everything and anything about my life. I'll make videos about my day, Act out ridiculous scenes, Blog about my lives events, Post photos of the things I think the rest of my friends should see because I think it's important in one way or another, Be the most obnoxious person I can be around the people I like to be with, I'll even type up a poem or lyrics to display my emotions and feelings. But I'm scared to let someone know that I like them.

I know this doesn't answer your question about what my Ideal girl would be. I don't talk about how she dresses, how she acts, the color of her hair or the scent of her. I'm not mentioning her skin tone, her colorful eyes or the smile on her face that could just make my day seeing it. Haven't mentioned a personality either. whether I like Taller or shorter. Long legs? Maybe. Higher pitched voice, or a loud expressive voice? What kind of activities she's into, like reading, or vlogging. Is she tech savvy? doesn't have to be, but that'd be great! Maybe she's into acting, that's cool with me. Maybe she's a photographer? Just as awesome, it's not like i'm gonna like her any less. she could be really into running, or into watching her favorite Tv shows all the time. She could love the bible, or she could love The Beatles.

There is just SO much to put into perspective here. you can't simply sum it down to a simple black and white contrast. Besides it's not just black and white. It's green, black, blue, purple, red, orange, pink, tan, yellow, and everything between. And you know what? The colors blur.
I'm not upset with this question. I'm simply saying I couldn't tell you what My "Ideal" girl is. I could Attempt to tell you what I THINK I may prefer. But even that might not be what I really want. It's like going to dinner and choosing between the salad or the wrap. You can't be Positive on which one you want until you've come face to face with one or the other or both. At least that's how I work. Sometimes I have to decide between two things that I THINK I want. Until I make David pick one of them to be as we rock paper scissors it. And when I win or lose to him and go "darn.." then I realize that I actually did want the other thing compared to the other.

I want to say I think I've met the Ideal girl. But there's nothing I can do about it. Well, technically I can, but I'm being hesitant. I can't shoot the gun and go for it. I need to put thought into this.
Oh my, I've rambled on a bit too long tonight. Goodnight.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

Monday, March 29, 2010

How to take apart an iPod. In under 10 Seconds. Enjoy.

If you could be describe as a color, what color would you be?

Green. A Dark Olive Green. That's my favorite color at least. But to describe be as a color? I guess brown would work really well for me. Brown Eyes, Hair, Etc.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

If you were a dinosaur which would you be?

stegosaurus. thanks to me new Fauxhawk

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

What kind of grand slam=]do you create your own like me=]?

Are we talking about the Denny's Grand slam here?? because if we are. I Totally order the Grand slam burrito every chance I get. That thing is sooo goood! They took it off the menu though, how sad. Still available to order though.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Anyone you used to like and wished you had dated but didn't?

That's like, asking me if I have eaten a sangwich before. Of course I have! It's quite sad really.. this situation has happened countless times. And to tell the truth, it is quite regretful not speaking up. Now I know that when I have something meaningful to me, I should speak up about it. I'd rather have tried and failed than never known what could have been at all. I try to just move on instead of thinking of what could be. And of course I won't mention any names. But there is one that I would like to try and date because I did like her, and I still do Like her. But we'll have to wait and see. I'm not putting my money on it. I'm just here. what happens happens. I refuse to go out of my way to get someone, because that's what got me into such a big ridiculous mess last time.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

if you could pick one day, just one day, to live over again (not change or fix) what day would that be?

The day I visited Bell Canyon to see my grandparents. It was just me and them. We sat and talked about the simplest of things, catching up on things in life. I told them about my life, school, work. Grandpa shared with me his opinions and thoughts and how life was going for him. Oh, he's such a great guy. A Simple but a clean hearted, caring, loving, humorous, clever, brilliant, spiritual man. ( I know that was alot to take in at once) But yeah, he's truly a figure for me to look up to. Anything I'd ever want to be is as amazing as him. I just want to Re live how nice it was that day. The distinct scent of their house, the chime on their clock, Grandpa's funny laughter. I'd love to Live that over again. Its not the same now. definitely not.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

Who is your best friend? Pick one guy and one girl.

I was going to answer this one with a lot. put things into categories and sub categories. Like out of my current friends? Best friend of all time? things like that.. but I'll Just get to the point with it. My BEST friend, I would have to say is Mr. Jordan Esquivel. But since he has gone away to Boston, I would have to say currently, it is Jon Serrano. He's a great guy. Very Sincere, and there for you when you need him. And I thank him for that.
As for the Girl best friend of the question, I currently can say I have runner ups. none is exactly there yet.. One has gotten close, but things slowly got distanced and we are no longer so close. I should probably get to work on that..

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

would you like a little cereal

No thanks David, I've moved on to bigger and better things. Like Donuts and Bagels.. and the Grand Slam at Denny's!

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

courtney and i were talking about you today and how awesome you are. and i want to know: HOW DO YOU ACHIEVE SUCH LEVELS OF AWESOMENESS?

Well Maelyn. I'm happy to hear that I was part of the conversation you two engaged in, heh.
Achieving such levels of "AWESOMENESS" requires a couple of things. You must first be able to create FIRE in the pouring rain, find a restroom that turns into a disco with a push of a button, and find the cure for cancer.

No, but really. Find what you're good at, then work at it. Make yourself better at it than you already are. Keep learning and keep achieving!! But more importantly, find yourself, and do whatever it is that you love to do. Don't let anyone tell you that its not any good. Don't change your ways to fit the lives of others.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

Friday, February 19, 2010

whos this girl? vv

Who is this girl you ask? Well, I'd love to ask, "Who are you?"
You could be the girl for all that I know since you asked me anonymously. But I am afraid I cannot answer that question, sorry.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ok, you got me. So, if you could take back ONE thing in your past, what would it be? (and you can't say nothing.)

I must say, I'd take back an action I'd have done to ruin a relationship I had with someone. (Please don't assume I'm talking about Kallie, because I'm not) But there was this one person who I had met randomly, and we got along great. I guess you could say I freaked out a bit when something happened. and I can pretty much say that she's "the one who got away." And it's a pretty sucky feeling knowing that, and seeing how well they are doing now. But I am very happy for her and how she is doing.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.


Well Koral, it's simple.
I have one of these, for it makes asking me a question easier.
since people will not simply ask in a post, or a comment, nor in a message. Though I tell people to Ask away!
Ironically though People must signup for this even to ask anonymously even though it takes more time than a simple message. But they will do it!!
Plus this website automatically shares my answers to questions to Blogger, Tumblr, Facebook, & Twitter. This is perfect for me seeing as I love sharing my information with the world, everything down to my exact location. Feel free to (try and) stalk me if you will. But that's not such an easy thing to do, heheh.
Bored Yet? ASK ME MORE!

Ask me anything

Monday, February 15, 2010

Who's your favorite musician?

Would HAVE to be Damon Albarn.
His music is creatively different. The creator of Many musical talent such as "Blur", "The Gorillaz", & "The Good,The Bad & The Queen".
Mixing the rock with the Hip-Hop, The Rap with The Urban Alternative. He combines so many different instruments with so many different artists, and singers from different regions of the world that it turns out so beautifully when composed. He has my respect, but he is definitely not put up on a ridiculous pedestal.

Ask me anything