Thursday, April 29, 2010

i just read your last 2 annon post how do you know its not the girl asking you? lol

Good point. Ill keep that in mind. Then again Eric, I wouldn't be surprised if it was you. ahah. I haven't heard from you in a while Eric. You gotta keep in touch more!

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Do you think that girl likes you back?

You know that feeling you get when you like someone, and you have that kinda sorta feeling that they kinda sorta like you too. And later down the road, whether it be 2 hours later or 2 months later, you find out you were right? Well, I don't have that feeling with her. I just feel this crush I have on her. (As childish as it sounds, its true.) And we all have our crushes. But to put it into simply, No. I don't think she likes me back. I've THOUGHT at times that just Maybe she does. But not anymore no.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I think you should just go for it with this girl. I mean, if you like her this much, how could she not like you back?

I really would like to. She just surprises me with new talents all the time. I'd like to learn how to do a lot of things from her with all her knowledge & talent in these things. But theres always so much to lose when you do. A loss of a good friendship is the main one that's on my mind..
It's easy for someone to not like you back. They just, Don't like you back. They don't have the same feeling there.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

would you rather be beautiful and have no one around to see you or be ugly and have the world judge you? damn i just thought of that on the spot! haha

Hmmmm, I'd have to say I'd choose the Ugly and have the world to judge you. Because the personality and feelings of the person triumph over looks any day! I used to think I was pretty darn ugly. And I don't like the feeling of being Judged at all. But it just happens. We all do it. But I will have to take that over being beautiful with no one around to see me. Because I can't stand being alone. So that lonely scenario doesn't sound too fun. And If I were beautiful, what good does that do me? Especially with nobody around to see me.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

i see that you are free....damn id at least say you were worth 5 dolla! HAHA jk jk ^_^

ahah, well thanks. I think I'll take that as a compliment. Seeing as I am at least worth something. Or maybe I read this wrong.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

What is your ideal girl?

Heh, it's funny that you ask this. I've had a similar question like this one just sitting and sizzling here on my Formspring.. and, I don't know how to answer it.

It'd be great if I could just say her name and be over with it. Because there is one I cannot get my mind off of as I have hinted at before in my tumbls and notes. But, I will feel like a jerk or a duche if I was to say anything due to the situation. So I keep quiet. I'd much rather stay within the friendliness of the relationship instead of speak up and distort anything or ruin anything. Because when she says "no", then that not only hurts, but it does kinda sorta dent the friends part of the relationship as well. I don't know how well a person can blow over something like that and forget about it. For me, It's a challenge to say something knowing that this situation could happen and even after, she will always know that I like her more than just being a friend.

Yes, I am afraid to speak up about how I feel. I would love to honestly. I am not so intent on making waves though. It's a pain. It'll be even more of a pain never saying something though, and not knowing how the outcome will be. For all I know she just may say yes.

It's funny how I am not afraid to post everything and anything about my life. I'll make videos about my day, Act out ridiculous scenes, Blog about my lives events, Post photos of the things I think the rest of my friends should see because I think it's important in one way or another, Be the most obnoxious person I can be around the people I like to be with, I'll even type up a poem or lyrics to display my emotions and feelings. But I'm scared to let someone know that I like them.

I know this doesn't answer your question about what my Ideal girl would be. I don't talk about how she dresses, how she acts, the color of her hair or the scent of her. I'm not mentioning her skin tone, her colorful eyes or the smile on her face that could just make my day seeing it. Haven't mentioned a personality either. whether I like Taller or shorter. Long legs? Maybe. Higher pitched voice, or a loud expressive voice? What kind of activities she's into, like reading, or vlogging. Is she tech savvy? doesn't have to be, but that'd be great! Maybe she's into acting, that's cool with me. Maybe she's a photographer? Just as awesome, it's not like i'm gonna like her any less. she could be really into running, or into watching her favorite Tv shows all the time. She could love the bible, or she could love The Beatles.

There is just SO much to put into perspective here. you can't simply sum it down to a simple black and white contrast. Besides it's not just black and white. It's green, black, blue, purple, red, orange, pink, tan, yellow, and everything between. And you know what? The colors blur.
I'm not upset with this question. I'm simply saying I couldn't tell you what My "Ideal" girl is. I could Attempt to tell you what I THINK I may prefer. But even that might not be what I really want. It's like going to dinner and choosing between the salad or the wrap. You can't be Positive on which one you want until you've come face to face with one or the other or both. At least that's how I work. Sometimes I have to decide between two things that I THINK I want. Until I make David pick one of them to be as we rock paper scissors it. And when I win or lose to him and go "darn.." then I realize that I actually did want the other thing compared to the other.

I want to say I think I've met the Ideal girl. But there's nothing I can do about it. Well, technically I can, but I'm being hesitant. I can't shoot the gun and go for it. I need to put thought into this.
Oh my, I've rambled on a bit too long tonight. Goodnight.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.