Sunday, February 21, 2010

would you like a little cereal

No thanks David, I've moved on to bigger and better things. Like Donuts and Bagels.. and the Grand Slam at Denny's!

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

courtney and i were talking about you today and how awesome you are. and i want to know: HOW DO YOU ACHIEVE SUCH LEVELS OF AWESOMENESS?

Well Maelyn. I'm happy to hear that I was part of the conversation you two engaged in, heh.
Achieving such levels of "AWESOMENESS" requires a couple of things. You must first be able to create FIRE in the pouring rain, find a restroom that turns into a disco with a push of a button, and find the cure for cancer.

No, but really. Find what you're good at, then work at it. Make yourself better at it than you already are. Keep learning and keep achieving!! But more importantly, find yourself, and do whatever it is that you love to do. Don't let anyone tell you that its not any good. Don't change your ways to fit the lives of others.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

Friday, February 19, 2010

whos this girl? vv

Who is this girl you ask? Well, I'd love to ask, "Who are you?"
You could be the girl for all that I know since you asked me anonymously. But I am afraid I cannot answer that question, sorry.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ok, you got me. So, if you could take back ONE thing in your past, what would it be? (and you can't say nothing.)

I must say, I'd take back an action I'd have done to ruin a relationship I had with someone. (Please don't assume I'm talking about Kallie, because I'm not) But there was this one person who I had met randomly, and we got along great. I guess you could say I freaked out a bit when something happened. and I can pretty much say that she's "the one who got away." And it's a pretty sucky feeling knowing that, and seeing how well they are doing now. But I am very happy for her and how she is doing.

Please feel free to trouble me with a question.


Well Koral, it's simple.
I have one of these, for it makes asking me a question easier.
since people will not simply ask in a post, or a comment, nor in a message. Though I tell people to Ask away!
Ironically though People must signup for this even to ask anonymously even though it takes more time than a simple message. But they will do it!!
Plus this website automatically shares my answers to questions to Blogger, Tumblr, Facebook, & Twitter. This is perfect for me seeing as I love sharing my information with the world, everything down to my exact location. Feel free to (try and) stalk me if you will. But that's not such an easy thing to do, heheh.
Bored Yet? ASK ME MORE!

Ask me anything

Monday, February 15, 2010

Who's your favorite musician?

Would HAVE to be Damon Albarn.
His music is creatively different. The creator of Many musical talent such as "Blur", "The Gorillaz", & "The Good,The Bad & The Queen".
Mixing the rock with the Hip-Hop, The Rap with The Urban Alternative. He combines so many different instruments with so many different artists, and singers from different regions of the world that it turns out so beautifully when composed. He has my respect, but he is definitely not put up on a ridiculous pedestal.

Ask me anything